by justine | Aug 24, 2020 | Faculty Development, Teaching & Learning
The symposium committees have been hard at work this summer. The Chair Development and Training Committee released our first-ever university-wide Chair Handbook. Thanks to Rashida Banerjee (Teaching & Learning Sciences), Sandra Eaton (Chemistry &...
by pogo | Jun 13, 2020 | Faculty Relations
Back in the days when dinosaurs roamed and we were not all responding to COVID crises, the Faculty Senate and VPFA collaborated to do an R1 faculty survey. Here is a summary of the R1 survey results. We look forward to further discussion.
by pogo | Jun 13, 2020 | Faculty Relations
In April, we held an EAB workshop, “Instilling Equity and Inclusion in Departmental Practices.” There were a wealth of best practices and resources shared. Given this training was scheduled amidst COVID, please revisit this with your faculty and academic leaders as we...
by pogo | Jun 11, 2020 | Faculty Development, Teaching & Learning
The OTL has prepared a suite of offerings to support you as you prepare for summer or fall. Here are some highlights but be sure to see our calendar for more information! DU Teaching Toolkit: For anyone who is ready to go, we are excited to announce our DU Teaching...
by pogo | Apr 24, 2020 | Faculty Development, Teaching & Learning
Instructor Insight is a resource that all faculty can access in Canvas that we are piloting in Spring Quarter 2020. Faculty at University College have been using Instructor Insight for years and have generously shared their experiences below. Jeff Muoio Instructor...