The Office for Faculty Affairs welcomes and orients new faculty to DU; coordinates faculty development programs across campus; serves as a central resource for information about faculty and faculty policies; supports deans and department leaders with searches, hiring, retention, and advancement; assists faculty with grievances; offers programs to orient new academic leaders; supports programs to improve teaching; and works with departments, colleges, and other offices to enhance faculty experiences. We work with academic leaders across campus to enhance DU’s efforts to support faculty.

Logo description of interlocking offices

The You Rock! program encourages faculty and staff to recognize each other for small and large accomplishments.

Featured Initiatives






Current COACHE Survey Faculty Completion Rate

Since 2003, the Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education (COACHE), a research-practice partnership (RPP), has been committed to improving the workplace, career and overall experience of faculty members. COACHE is based at the Harvard Graduate School of Education and has surveyed 20,000+ faculty members at more than 300 colleges and universities. Survey results assist to develop strategies to improve the professional lives of faculty members; the goal is to create an environment where faculty can do their best work.

In the spring of 2019, DU faculty members were invited to complete a survey in nine key areas. The survey results revealed diversity of opinions across campus and some significant concerns. We invite your participation as we move forward, building on these results to improve our working environments.

Faculty affairs News and Updates

Thank You to our Faculty Fellows!

Thank You to our Faculty Fellows!

By: Jenn Bellamy, Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs Thank you to all of this year’s Faculty Affairs Faculty Fellows: Megan Kelly, Heather Martin, Lina Reznicek-Parrado, Laura...

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Best Wishes for the Summer

Best Wishes for the Summer

Thank you to our faculty contributors, readers, and to everyone at the University of Denver who made the work of this office possible. We hope you enjoy your summer. The Faculty...

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Faculty Affairs in the News

The Chronicle of Higher Education: The Cruelty of Faculty Churn

The Chronicle of Higher Education: The Cruelty of Faculty Churn

Inside Higher Ed: The Pandemic’s Silver Lining for Faculty

Inside Higher Ed: The Pandemic’s Silver Lining for Faculty

USC’s Pullias Center for Higher Education Announces 2021 Delphi Award Winners

USC’s Pullias Center for Higher Education Announces 2021 Delphi Award Winners

The Chronicle of Higher Education: A More Upbeat Approach to Post-Tenure Review

The Chronicle of Higher Education: A More Upbeat Approach to Post-Tenure Review


We would love to hear from you, your office, and/or faculty within your departments to learn more about your unit, and to hear hopes and concerns of faculty.