Explore the application of Deliberative Decision Making (DDM) in enhancing promotion and tenure reviews through our recorded event. This session delves into methodologies and practices aimed at fostering a more equitable and transparent academic evaluation process.orkshop, check out the videos!
The Office for Faculty Affairs welcomes and orients new faculty to DU; coordinates faculty development programs across campus; serves as a central resource for information about faculty and faculty policies; supports deans and department leaders with searches, hiring, retention, and advancement; assists faculty with grievances; offers programs to orient new academic leaders; supports programs to improve teaching; and works with departments, colleges, and other offices to enhance faculty experiences. We work with academic leaders across campus to enhance DU’s efforts to support faculty.

Featured Initiatives
Current COACHE Survey Faculty Completion Rate
Since 2003, the Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education (COACHE), a research-practice partnership (RPP), has been committed to improving the workplace, career and overall experience of faculty members. COACHE is based at the Harvard Graduate School of Education and has surveyed 20,000+ faculty members at more than 300 colleges and universities. Survey results assist to develop strategies to improve the professional lives of faculty members; the goal is to create an environment where faculty can do their best work.
In the spring of 2019, DU faculty members were invited to complete a survey in nine key areas. The survey results revealed diversity of opinions across campus and some significant concerns. We invite your participation as we move forward, building on these results to improve our working environments.
Faculty affairs News and Updates
Join your faculty colleagues and Faculty Affairs staff for a Faculty Coffee Hour!
We will gather in the Faculty Lounge (CCOM 2800) on the second Friday of each month. Enjoy some coffee and connect with your peers. We look forward to seeing you there!
Constellation of Support Series
Presented by 4D The Constellation of Support Program returns this month! This personal and professional development series for faculty, staff, and graduate students features...
Join Us for the Winter ’25 Teacher-Scholar Lecture and Reception Featuring Professor Sheila Carter-Tod
By: Jenn Bellamy, Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs Please join Provost Mary Clark on February 4th from 5:00-6:30pm in the Faculty Lounge (CCOM 2800) to honor Dr. Sheila...
Building on the Provost Conference: New Accessibility Resources
Building on the Provost Conference: New Accessibility Resources By: Jenn Bellamy, Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs Based on faculty feedback, and building on the Provost...
Explore Talent Development Resources!
Explore Talent Development Resources! By: Vincent Engelstad, Graduate Communications Assistant Unlock a world of professional development opportunities right at your fingertips!...
2025-2026 Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Applications
By: Leslie Cramblet Alvarez, Assistant Vice Provost and Director of the Office of Teaching & Learning The OTL is excited to announce that the call for 2025-2026 Scholarship...