Updates on COACHE Survey Engagement and Findings

By: Jenn Bellamy, Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs  Thank you to everyone who participated in our faculty engagements over the Winter Quarter as we shared and discussed findings from the 2023 COACHE Survey. Our website is being regularly updated with new one-pagers...

2023 Results

The COACHE survey asked faculty about academic life on the DU campus. 2023 results are now available. To access the preliminary report, follow these directions: Login to MyDU with your DU ID and password Type “COACHE Survey 2023 Initial Report” into the...


The COACHE survey asked faculty about academic life on the DU campus. Specifically, faculty were asked to: identify the best and worst aspects of working at DU, if they would recommend working at DU to a colleague, and, finally, to suggest targeted areas of...