Faculty Service and Workload Equity in CAHSS

Faculty Service and Workload Equity in CAHSS

Photo by Artem Podrez from Pexels By Ingrid Tague, Associate Dean, CAHSS; and Keith Ward, Director, Lamont School of Music For an institution to move forward, its members need to step beyond a transactional relationship to the university. There is a unique balance...

You Rock! Update

The You Rock! list of Awardees has been updated for January 2021 and is posted on the They Rock! page, which catalogs and celebrates past awardees. To learn more about You Rock! Awards and how to nominate someone, visit the You Rock! Award nomination page.
COVID-19 Update: Transitioning to Spring Quarter

COVID-19 Update: Transitioning to Spring Quarter

Photo by Gabby K from Pexels An overview from the COVID-19 Response Team Regarding spring break travel: If faculty remain on their current testing schedule and don’t travel, they won’t have to quarantine. Faculty who are 14 days post-second vaccinations shot and who...