by pogo | Jun 13, 2020 | Faculty Development, Faculty Lifecycles
In partnership with the Faculty Senate, the VPFA plans to improve the University of Denver’s course evaluation and teaching review methods through a newly-approved Faculty Senate Teaching Evaluation Task Force motion. The task force will focus on and create structures...
by pogo | Apr 4, 2020 | Faculty Relations
The University and the Division of Marketing and Communications continue to work toward a more consistent presence for all faculty on DU’s website. As we do this, we want to be transparent with faculty about the decisions that are being made in regard to faculty data,...
by pogo | Apr 4, 2020 | Teaching & Learning
As we head into week two of spring quarter classes, OTL will be focusing on engagement in online teaching, how faculty can use Canvas analytics to identify and reach out to struggling students, and, if necessary, how to readjust initial plans after the first week. We...
by admin | Jan 28, 2020 | Faculty Development, Faculty Relations
The Faculty Data Governance Committees have been hard at work. The Communication Committee sent a letter to faculty and administrators on January 21 and launched a COACHE@DU web site. The data governance committee has met to discuss parameters for both the COACHE and...
by pogo | Oct 21, 2019 | Faculty Development
Why This Matters In May 2017, the Faculty Senate approved the Policies and Procedures for Faculty Development, Job Responsibility Distributions and Peer-to-Peer Conversations. Section 5.2 states that “The criteria for what qualifies as performance significantly below...