Planned Student Protest for October 26

Planned Student Protest for October 26

Dear Faculty Colleagues, As some of you may know, there is another upcoming student protest that starts tomorrow, Monday, Oct. 26. This may directly impact your class and will certainly impact a number of your students.What are the details?In response to Chancellor...


The Provost’s Office is taking requests for changes due to COVID. Those will go to the September 23rd FEAC meetings for approval, so we would need no later than two weeks prior to the meeting in order for the provost to approve and then place them on the board...

Faculty Workload Task Force

In partnership with the Faculty Senate and the Provost’s Office, Sarah Pessin, Faculty Senate President, and Kate Willink, VPFA will co-chair a task force to look at evaluating  faculty workload equity across campus in general, and in relation to COVID. Invitations...