Faculty and Staff Support Network (FSSN)

Faculty and Staff Support Network (FSSN)

We are excited to launch the Faculty & Staff Support Network (FSSN) and ask you to share this new resource with the faculty and staff in your unit. The FSSN is designed to address an important gap: how to intervene on behalf of someone who appears to be...

Introducing the Faculty and Staff Support Network

Message from Mary Clark (Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor) and Jerron Lowe (Interim Vice Chancellor for Human Resources): We are writing to announce a new resource—the Faculty and Staff Support Network (FSSN)—that will ensure that co-workers and colleagues have a...

FSSN – Faculty & Staff Support Network

Since last September, a group of us have been meeting to create a process and set of resources for faculty, staff, and academic leaders to express concern about faculty and staff wellbeing and connect employees to necessary support. The members of our cross-functional...

Support Services for Faculty

Support Services for Faculty  If this is an emergency or someone is in danger call Campus Safety (303-871-3000) or 911.  The Red Folder This folder includes an insert on employee resources including emergency and non-emergency resources. Employee Connections Email If...
COACHE Survey: Next Steps

COACHE Survey: Next Steps

Why This Matters: In spring of 2019, DU joined the Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education (COACHE), based at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. COACHE, a consortium of more than 200 colleges and universities, is a research initiative committed to...