Why This Matters:
In spring of 2019, DU joined the Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education (COACHE), based at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. COACHE, a consortium of more than 200 colleges and universities, is a research initiative committed to supporting senior academic officers in developing best faculty recruitment and talent management practices. Membership in the collaborative enables colleges and universities to gather sound diagnostic and comparative faculty data needed to inform discussions, generate ideas and initiate appropriate actions. The core component of COACHE is a web-based survey specially designed for pre-tenure, tenure- and non-tenure-track faculty to collect information about their experience at their institution. Institutional reports provide college and university leaders with a powerful management tool to identify core strengths and determine areas to improve and enrich the quality of faculty work-life.
What’s Next:
In August 2019, we received our COACHE data and will be sharing with deans a preliminary report in the next month of university-wide results. Currently, we are forming three committees: data governance, data analysis, and communication. Colleagues will be invited to serve based on the following criteria: research expertise, diversity, stakeholder representation, and availability. University-level preliminary data will be released to the faculty in November 2019. Faculty will work with deans in the winter to share unit data and create a rollout plan.