Best Practices: Communication

Best Practices: Communication

Sharing Chairs & Directors Meeting Topics: Supporting communication and feedback loops with all faculty can be challenging. In order to improve communication with and among CAHSS departments, schools, and programs, this fall the CAHSS’s dean’s office began sharing...

Huddle Meetings with Associate Deans

In December, we had our first Associate Dean Huddle with associate deans who work most closely with faculty (or who are the only associate dean in a unit whose work therefore includes faculty affairs). We are planning to meet every 60 to 90 days to discuss issues and...
Cover Sheet for Promotion & Tenure

Cover Sheet for Promotion & Tenure

We had a discussion at the recent Associate Deans’ huddle about adding a cover sheet to the Tenure and Promotion packets to help reduce errors, speed up the process and provide an at-a-glance review for each candidate.  Please use this fillable pdf this year as the...


We are excited to have launched our new faculty data governance model, which we are piloting with the COACHE survey.We are excited to have launched our new faculty data governance model, which we are piloting with the COACHE survey. Each committee has convened and is...
Hiring Flow

Hiring Flow

Why This Matters With the launch of the new Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs Office, we are excited about offering more support to you and faculty within your department. Our office has many resources to help your search committees with faculty hiring. As you know, we...