by Alec | Nov 2, 2021 | Faculty Development, Teaching & Learning
By: Juli Parrish, Teaching Professor and Writing Center Director The challenges of writing and teaching others to write persist for faculty across series—even faculty who are accomplished writers and instructors. It can be helpful to talk with a fellow faculty member....
by Alec | Nov 2, 2021 | Faculty Development, Faculty Lifecycles, Teaching & Learning
We invite you to join us for a panel discussion hosted by the Vice Provost of Faculty Affairs, Faculty Senate, and the Resident Scholar for Teaching and Professional Faculty, Laura Sponsler. This panel will serve as a space for Teaching and Professional Track Faculty...
by Alec | Nov 1, 2021 | Teaching & Learning
Leslie Alvarez, Director of the Office of Teaching and Learning and Rohini Ananthakrishnan, Assistant Vice Chancellor, Enterprise Application Services The DU Portfolio Replacement project team is beginning the process to identify a software vendor for the course...
by Alec | Oct 30, 2021 | Faculty Development, Teaching & Learning
As announced by Provost Clark on October 25th, the Office of the Provost through the VFPA & OTL and in partnership with the Workload Equity Committee and the Teaching Excellence Task Force, will be launching two parallel but distinct efforts. Interested in...
by Alec | Oct 27, 2021 | Faculty Relations, Teaching & Learning
Next Steps, New Members, and Announcing Faculty Fellows By: Leslie Cramblet Alvarez & Jared Del Rosso, co-chairs, Teaching Excellence Task Force The Teaching Excellence Task Force (TETF) reconvened in September after a summer hiatus. Co-chairs Jared Del Rosso...
by Alec | Oct 4, 2021 | Faculty Development, Teaching & Learning
For several years, DU researchers have expressed a need for support in funding article page charges (APCs) when submitting to open-access journals. We are pleased to announce that University Libraries is now in a position to do it. The Provost’s Office provided...