COVID Updates and Return to Campus

Sep 4, 2021

n Alert Level Green, fully vaccinated University personnel, students, and visitors must wear a face covering indoors for all classes and in-person meetings/events with five or more people, except while actively speaking/performing at 6 feet or more distance from others, provided that they replace the face covering when not actively speaking/performing. At all alert levels, face coverings are required in particular locations, including the Health & Counseling Center, campus mental-health clinics, while preparing or serving food for Dining Services, in certain laboratory classroom settings, at SPIT collection sites and in the SPIT lab, or at particular events as communicated by event organizers. Fully vaccinated individuals do not have to wear face coverings while actively moving (in hallways, etc.) in groups of four or fewer; in meetings of four or fewer; or in common areas where 6-foot distancing can be maintained.

The Office of Teaching and Learning has created a helpful infographic for faculty to use as a guide for masking requirements.

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