Best Practices

Best Practices Evidence-Based Conditions and Tools for Equitable Workloads The WEC suggests several conceptual and concrete tools to begin to address the issues detailed above. For more detail and related worksheets to make progress in these areas, see appendices...

Nature of the Problem at DU

Nature of the Problem at DU Many of the problems identified in the literature have been identified by the DU community (see DU data in Appendices A–C). As one dean pointed out in a meeting with the WEC, there is an inherent tension in academic life between an...

Summary of Literature

Summary of Literature Defining Workload Equity Workload equity is an intentional benefit created by academic leaders, departments, and faculty members who take action to create better, fairer, and more equity-minded workloads. Policies and practices can be put in...

Examples of Work Underway at DU

Examples of Work Underway at DU DU faculty and administrators have already taken steps to advance workload equity, including those detailed in this report. Notable accomplishments at the campus level include: Workload Equity Committee (WEC) creation and convening...


Appendices DU DATA Appendix A: Senate Workload Equity Survey Appendix B: Summary of Senator’s Workload Equity Survey Responses Appendix C: Autumn Faculty Senate Provost  Reception Small Group Discussion Summaries Appendix Work Underway At DU Appendix D: Examples of...