Welcome Back and Happy New Year!

By: Jenn Bellamy, Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs Happy New Year! I hope you found time to renew and recharge over the winter interterm and hope the transition into this Winter Quarter has gone smoothly.  
Goodbye from Alison Staudinger

Goodbye from Alison Staudinger

By: Alison Staudinger  When I started working at DU in January of 2021, people kept telling me it was a “relational campus.” Privately, I thought, “Aren’t they all?” but in my three years here I’ve come to appreciate the deep importance of relationships both to...
Winter ‘24 Provost Conference. Save the Date!

Winter ‘24 Provost Conference. Save the Date!

By: Terese Rainwater, Project Manager  Mark your calendars for the Winter ‘24 Provost Conference on The Value and Role of Higher Education in a Democracy, March 1st, 2024. We will gather in Community Commons 1700. More details to follow soon!