Writing Center Faculty Writing Support

Nov 2, 2021

By: Juli Parrish, Teaching Professor and Writing Center Director

The challenges of writing and teaching others to write persist for faculty across series—even faculty who are accomplished writers and instructors. It can be helpful to talk with a fellow faculty member. This fall, Writing Center faculty consultants are available to offer this assistance. Any faculty member can make an appointment for an in-person or online consultation with a Writing Program faculty member.

Writing Pedagogy Consultations
Teaching Professor and faculty consultant Geoff Stacks says, “writing an assignment is like any other kind of writing—I always seek feedback. I’ve been teaching for 20 years, but I still find it helpful to get a fresh set of eyes on my assignments.” Faculty consultants can share expertise in writing pedagogy, including creating and scaffolding assignments, integrating writing-to-learn activities, developing rich commenting practices, and finding small ways to teach writing when writing is not the subject of the class.

Writing Consultations
Faculty consultants ask questions, read through parts of your project with you, share perspectives, and serve as sounding boards. They can help you identify relevant resources and provide check-ins to keep you on track. They don’t pre-read or edit; rather, they work with you to make progress on your project.  As Teaching Professor and faculty consultant Kara Taczak notes, “sometimes, it just takes talking with someone else who understands that writing is difficult to help figure out a way forward.”

Read more about Writing Center Faculty consultants and email Writing Center Director Dr. Juli Parrish (wrc@du.edu) with questions.

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