by pogo | Apr 24, 2020 | Faculty Development, Teaching & Learning
Instructor Insight is a resource that all faculty can access in Canvas that we are piloting in Spring Quarter 2020. This is a great tool for you to: 1) access real-time data to understand how engagement in your course in this new online learning context; 2) make...
by pogo | Apr 4, 2020 | Faculty Relations
The University and the Division of Marketing and Communications continue to work toward a more consistent presence for all faculty on DU’s website. As we do this, we want to be transparent with faculty about the decisions that are being made in regard to faculty data,...
by pogo | Apr 4, 2020 | Faculty Development, Faculty Lifecycles
In a previous newsletter, we addressed academic burnout and vitality. Well, in the middle of a pandemic, those topics seem as quaint as discussions of the 2025 enrollment cliff. How I long for those days! But for all of you leading in this state of continuing crisis,...
by pogo | Mar 24, 2020 | Faculty Development, Teaching & Learning
A good starting point is to make all students aware of resource for students at the OTL web site. OTL also has extensive resources listings for teaching from a distance. The Office of Teaching and Learning, in partnership with University College, is also making...
by pogo | Mar 24, 2020 | Teaching & Learning
Where is the course content: readings/ lectures/ images/ videos/ sound recordings? How will you be participating in the course: synchronous (real-time) communications or asynchronous discussion boards; quizzes; uploading responses, papers, audio, or video files? What...