Prospective Faculty Resource Page

Prospective Faculty Resource Page

The VPFA Prospective Faculty Resource page offers content to help potential faculty learn more about faculty life at DU and in Denver, and suggests questions to consider as part of the negotiation process. This “soft launch” provides an opportunity for DU constituents...
Call: New Faculty Faculty Learning Community

Call: New Faculty Faculty Learning Community

Photo by Martin Adams on Unsplash If you are a first year faculty member (started in 2020-21)  or mentor to incoming faculty  (starting in 2021-22), consider joining the second “Teacher Scholar” Faculty Learning Community (FLC). FLCs have been shown to increase...

Prospective Faculty

Welcome! We’re so glad you’re considering DU. These resource offer some guidance as you navigate the process.  Starting Off Strong How can prospective faculty navigate the search process? How does DU help hired faculty navigate the transition? Life as a DU...
OTL Resources for Class Privacy Policies

OTL Resources for Class Privacy Policies

Photo by Joshua Miranda from Pexels There has been a national increase in the recording and distribution of course interactions and materials without consent from faculty and/or participating students. This concerning trend continues to impact the faculty’s...