Welcome, New Faculty!

Welcome, New Faculty!

One of the joys of fall on campus is new faces—both faculty and students. Last month, we welcomed 35 new, full-time, appointed faculty with a daylong event, offering participants a chance to connect with each other, learn about key offices and supports, explore DU’s...
Complete the Fall Faculty Support Survey

Complete the Fall Faculty Support Survey

By: Leslie Cramblet Alvarez, Director of the Office of Teaching and Learning The VPFA, OTL, IT Campus Partnerships, and Online Program Services are seeking to understand faculty development and classroom technology needs, in addition to gathering information about...

Call: New Faculty Learning Community

Please invite your first-year faculty (started in 2020-21) or incoming faculty (starting in 2021-22) to join the second “Teacher Scholar” Faculty Learning Community (FLC). FLCs have been shown to increase belonging and ease transitions into faculty life or a new...