by Alec | Dec 1, 2021 | Faculty Relations
Heather N. Martin, Teaching Professor of Writing, Faculty Fellow of Mentoring Initiatives The VPFA’s office is committed to improving faculty mentoring across ranks and series. Among a host of other benefits, mentoring has been shown to bolster institutional...
by Alec | Nov 2, 2021 | Faculty Development, Faculty Relations
You may be wondering, What is FAAD? No, it’s not another trend in the higher-education acronyms alphabet soup. FAAD stands for the Faculty Affairs Associate Deans, and it is comprised of associate deans from every unit, charged with supporting faculty and faculty...
by pogo | Sep 5, 2021 | Faculty Development, Faculty Lifecycles
By Darrin Hicks, Professor, Department of Communication Studies Tenure, promotion, and reappointment decisions are some of the most consequential choices faculty make. They are also some of the most difficult. Thus, it is imperative that the process is widely...
by justine | May 2, 2021 | Faculty Lifecycles
Photo by Monica Melton on Unsplash A popular genre in Writing Studies pedagogy is the literacy narrative. It asks students to reflect on moments critical to their development as readers and writers, inviting them to interrogate the roots and fruits of their formative...
by justine | May 2, 2021 | Faculty Lifecycles
Photo by Athena from Pexels By Paul Michalec, Faculty Teaching Fellow and Clinical Professor, Morgridge College of Education Three years ago, I was honored with the title of Faculty Teaching Fellow for the Office of Teaching and Learning. As I transition out of that...