by Alec | Nov 1, 2022 | VPFA
Our You Rock! program encourages faculty and staff to recognize each other for accomplishments, large and small. Designed as a means to spotlight faculty and staff who have gone the extra mile, the award honors those who deserve to hear: “You Rock!” To...
by Alec | May 2, 2022 | VPFA
On May 13th from 11:30-1pm, Drs. Kate Willink, Laura Sponsler, and Alison Staudinger will host “Next Steps in Institutionalizing a Culture of Respect for Teaching & Professional Faculty: An Interactive Conversation.” Dr. Sponsler will offer an update on her white...
by Alec | May 1, 2022 | Faculty Relations
To support and sustain a diverse faculty body at DU, the Office of the Vice Provost of Faculty Affairs is convening a group of faculty-mentoring leaders for a six-month exploration of cross-identity mentoring at DU. Associate Deans, Directors, and other campus leaders...
by Alec | Dec 4, 2021 | Faculty Relations
The You Rock! program encourages faculty and staff to recognize each other for accomplishments, large and small. Designed as a means to spotlight faculty and staff who have gone the extra mile, the award honors those who deserve to hear: “You Rock!” To nominate a...
by Alec | Dec 2, 2021 | Faculty Relations, Teaching & Learning
At the 2022 American Association for Colleges & Universities (AAC&U) conference in January, Provost Mary Clark will join Vice Provost Kate Willink, Resident Scholar for TPF and Associate Clinical Professor Laura Sponsler, and Director of Development &...