R1 Our Way: Looking forward to COACHE 2023!

R1 Our Way: Looking forward to COACHE 2023!

As part of R1 Our Way, we are preparing to launch the Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education (COACHE) Faculty Job Satisfaction Survey in February 2023. The survey offers unique insights into the faculty experience—capturing faculty...

R1 Our Way: Looking forward to COACHE 2023!

As part of R1 Our Way, we are preparing to launch the Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education (COACHE) Faculty Job Satisfaction Survey in February 2023. The survey offers unique insights into the faculty experience—capturing faculty...
COACHE Unit Reports

COACHE Unit Reports

In July and August, the Faculty Data Governance Executive Committee met with each dean to share the COACHE unit-level reports. This fall the deans will share these reports with faculty leadership and unit faculty to begin conversations. Additionally, our office will...
COACHE Unit Reports


In late July, the COACHE executive committee will be sharing unit level results with deans and any of their leadership teams/faculty who you would like to include. We look forward to talking to you about your unit  results and next steps to engaging your faculty in...