Initiatives corresponding to this theme emphasize improving, celebrating, and innovating excellent teaching at DU, across rank and series and recognizing and rewarding these efforts. They approach this task through department-led change and research-based approaches to teaching and learning. This theme emerged as a dominant concern from faculty, staff, and other stakeholders, and is vital for moving forward towards R1 Our Way. Along with interconnections with scholarship, this requires considering how practice, including clinical and experiential expertise, intersects with teaching. Highlights from faculty data sources which correspond to this theme are included below.
of faculty who view R1 as negative do so because it will “move…[DU] away from the teacher scholar model”
of faculty who view R1 as negative do so because it will, “decrease the value of teaching”
Faculty expressed significant dissatisfaction on measures related to service that supports student success, such as:
- number of students [they] advise/mentor
- support…institution has offered… to be a good advisor to students
- [whether] advising responsibilities are distributed equitably across faculty in [their] department
Faculty expressed low engagement on measures related to department collegiality, such as how often they engaged within their department in conversations about:
- Undergraduate student learning
- Graduate student learning
- Effective teaching practices
- Effective use of technology