Initiatives corresponding to this priority address existing workload burdens, especially service burdens, only likely to be exacerbated by shift to R1. This is also important for clarity around tenure, promotion, and reviews. Workload inequity is particularly shaped by racialized and gender hiearchies, and demands that recongition of invisible and emotional labor so that all DU faculty can be supported to do their vital work without burning out. Highlights from faculty data sources which correspond to this theme are included below. 



think moving to R1 will have negative impact on “teaching workload of faculty”


think moving to R1 will have negative impact on “research workload of faculty”


of faculty who view R1 as negative do so because the believe it will produce an “increase in faculty burnout”

(DU is below 3.75/5 and in bottom third of cohort of 103 institutions)


COACHE defines service as commitee work (across department, division, and university)and student advising.


COACHE defines promotion as the movement from associate professor to full professor, and strength of the policies, developmental opportunities, and practices that facilitate such movement.