Community Building

Caregiving can be isolating. Consider joining an appropriate Faculty Affinity Group to connect with colleagues with shared experiences. Next quarter, you could join a Writing Accountability Group as a way to commit to your scholarly practice—and your personal goals. (A group could be organized just for caregivers, given enough interest!) You also might find community with colleagues further afield, who publish (and blog!) on the experiences of caregivers or Mothers in Academia. One DU resource is the Parentline, which provides peer and professional support for expecting mothers and young parents including group conversations, as well as a productive partnership with WePlay! Denver.

Coming soon! The VPFA’s office will co-host a biweekly drop-in coffee break for caregivers to connect with each other around areas of common concern. Come for 5 minutes, or stay for the whole hour! Watch this space and the newsletter for updates…