The Office for Faculty Affairs welcomes and orients new faculty to DU; coordinates faculty development programs across campus; serves as a central resource for information about faculty and faculty policies; supports deans and department leaders with searches, hiring, retention, and advancement; assists faculty with grievances; offers programs to orient new academic leaders; supports programs to improve teaching; and works with departments, colleges, and other offices to enhance faculty experiences. We work with academic leaders across campus to enhance DU’s efforts to support faculty.

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Faculty affairs News and Updates
Faculty Support Resources
By: Laura E. Sponsler, Director of Faculty Development Given all the challenges facing faculty and higher education, we want remind you of resources provided through our...
Join Us! Winter Provost Conference: “AI and the Public Good.”
By: Terese Rainwater, Project Manager Join us at the Winter Quarter Provost Conference, titled "AI and the Public Good," to explore the multifaceted impacts of artificial...
New Faculty Academy Updates and SPARK
By: Laura E. Sponsler, Director of Faculty Development In February, participants in the New Faculty Academy were introduced to the ideals of shared governance, academic freedom,...
Faculty Coffee Schedule Updates
By: Jennifer Bellamy, Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs We’re moving this month’s Faculty Affairs Coffee Hour to this Friday March 7th from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. to accommodate...
OTL and Student Success Collaboration on Academic Readiness
By: Leslie Cramblet Alvarez, Assistant Vice Provost, Director of the Office of Teaching and Learning Did you know that faculty support and student success go hand in hand?...
Nominate a Colleague: You Rock! Awards
By: Vincent Engelstad, Graduate Communications Assistant Celebrate the amazing people we work with! Nominate a colleague for the You Rock! Awards and show your appreciation for...