Growing Into Retirement

Retirement is a bridge to a new phase of life, but it doesn’t mean an automatic loss of connection to DU. This page discusses some of the possibilities for engagement with DU and resources for navigating the transition as well as books and articles on creating a fulfilling and meaningful retirement. The personal and academic aspects are more prevalent, although there are also some resources on financial considerations. 

Check out this recent panel of Emeriti faculty, moderated by Chancellor Emerita Rebecca Chopp, for a sense of how DU faculty have approached retirement. 


Official DU retirement status is granted to retiring employees who meet these qualifications. Retirees have access to the following benefits designed to facilitate continued affiliation with the University of Denver:

  • Automatic continuation of DU email privileges.
  • Membership in the University of Denver Retirees Association (DURA)
  • Retiree ID card entitles retirees and their spouses to the many of the same privileges as an active University employee.  
  • Medical, dental, vision, insurance options. 
  • Tuition Waiver
  • RTD Passes

Other Resources 

Retirement is a time of change and can be disorienting. Pema Chodron offers a text for exploring transitions and becoming Comfortable with Uncertainty or When Things Fall Apart


DU retired faculty continue to contribute to their departments and disciplines on their own terms, sharing their research and expertise with the campus. Some have served as formal or informal mentors for colleagues or graduate students, or as guest lecturers on their specialities in the classroom. Retirement means complete release from the “publish or perish” mentality, and faculty can focus on passion projects or swerve into new areas of exploration. Emeriti status is available to faculty in all series and governed by policies outlined in this document and in APT

Library Access 

All retired faculty have access to library resources, but Emeriti faculty have identical privileges to active faculty while retirees are more like members of the public with additional benefits. This means that only emeriti faculty have access to electronic databases and journals, and to the Faculty Reading Room. 

Technology Access and Support 

All retired faculty retain their DU email addresses and their access to Office 365, with a few exceptions related to particular circumstances. Retired faculty can contact the help desk for support with accessing their email or Microsoft products, and to request additional software or assistance for specific projects. 

Other Resources

Curious what other faculty feel during and after retirement? Check out this 2012 American Council of Education survey of over 3,000 faculty members to understand the broader landscape. 


Faculty in retirement often readjust their financial and other goals as they realign how they spend their time. TIAA support remains available to assist retirees with understanding their financial outlook in retirement, as are Shared Services and HRIC. If eligible, faculty should check to make sure their social security payments are arriving as anticipated, and that medicare or other health care coverage is adequate for their needs. Income tax requirements vary by state, so be sure to review your tax withholdings with a qualified financial planner or accountant familiar with the laws in the state in which you plan to live. 

Other Resources 

Check out the Seniors Resource Guide Directory for Denver, Colorado. This is a comprehensive guide to senior resources in the area that include the counties of Adams, Arapahoe, Douglas, Jefferson and Denver.