Upcoming Provost Conference Series Events

Together, we’re taking the “Next Steps in Advancing Equity in Faculty Workload and Rewards” and moving into action. The Spring Provost Conference series is extended over the quarter to give faculty a variety of opportunities to engage key initiatives. All events are...

One Year Covid Extension Amendment & Provost’s Letter

April 20, 2022   Dear colleagues, I hope this finds you well and enjoying your spring quarter/semester. I’m writing to share with you the most recent Faculty Senate amendment to the APT document (linked below), which provides for a one-year extension in...

Reflecting on TPF Promotion Processes at MCE

Morgridge College of Education has been leading the institution in their creation of an AP committee for teaching and professional faculty that manages the appointment, reappointment, and promotion for teaching and professional faculty in the college. Over the last...
Three Things to Know about Workload Equity

Three Things to Know about Workload Equity

By: Kate Willink, Vice Provost, Faculty Affairs  Workload equity is an intentional practice created by academic leaders, departments, and faculty members who take action to create better, fairer, equity-minded workloads. Policies and practices can be put in place to...
4-D Symposium

4-D Symposium

By: Greg Mahan, Project Manager, 4D Experience The 4D Symposium is designed to bring together faculty, administrators, and staff to learn more about the 4-Dimensional (4D) Experience and share progress and models around elevating this work. The event will begin with a...