by Alec | Dec 2, 2021 | Faculty Relations, Teaching & Learning
At the 2022 American Association for Colleges & Universities (AAC&U) conference in January, Provost Mary Clark will join Vice Provost Kate Willink, Resident Scholar for TPF and Associate Clinical Professor Laura Sponsler, and Director of Development &...
by Alec | Dec 1, 2021 | Faculty Relations
Heather N. Martin, Teaching Professor of Writing, Faculty Fellow of Mentoring Initiatives The VPFA’s office is committed to improving faculty mentoring across ranks and series. Among a host of other benefits, mentoring has been shown to bolster institutional...
by Alec | Nov 17, 2021 | Faculty Relations
It is with great sadness that we announce that former Professor Bill Burford, Emeritus Professor of Economics, passed away in September. A social activist and beloved teacher, Dr. Burford will be greatly missed by his family, friends and former colleagues at the...
by Alec | Nov 9, 2021 | Faculty Relations
Cindy Cragg, Academic Director of the Communication Management Program, University College The Chair Advisory Board (CAB) sponsored two meetings during fall 2021 to support and inform the work of chairs and directors. CAB facilitated a Provost Town Hall on October 6,...
by Alec | Nov 2, 2021 | Faculty Development, Faculty Relations
You may be wondering, What is FAAD? No, it’s not another trend in the higher-education acronyms alphabet soup. FAAD stands for the Faculty Affairs Associate Deans, and it is comprised of associate deans from every unit, charged with supporting faculty and faculty...
by Alec | Nov 1, 2021 | Faculty Lifecycles, Faculty Relations
Alison Staudinger, Director of Faculty Development, VPFA I am emerging from a post-tenure depression. After spending the first five years of my life as a faculty member focused on contributing to my field, my campus, and my students, and finally earning promotion to...