by justine | Apr 5, 2021 | Faculty Development
Photo by Ashkan Forouzani on Unsplash By Alison Staudinger, Director of Faculty Development & Career Advancement, and Heather Martin, Faculty Fellow for Mentoring Initiatives Most academics have a mentoring horror story; the graduate advisor who made you pick up...
by justine | Mar 8, 2021 | Faculty Development
Photo by Dani Hart from Pexels Higher Education Resource Services (HERS) has been working to support diverse women leaders in Academia for over fifty years. DU faculty, including Vice Provost Kate Willink and Senate President Sarah Pessin, have recently completed the...
by justine | Mar 8, 2021 | Faculty Development, Faculty Relations
The VPFA’s office welcomes Dr. Heather Martin as the new Faculty Fellow for Mentoring Initiatives (FFMI). The FFMI position extends the vital work of the Mentoring and Onboarding Across Ranks and Series (MOARS) symposium implementation groups for teaching and...
by justine | Feb 28, 2021 | Faculty Development, Faculty Lifecycles, Faculty Relations
Photo by Milada Vigerova from Pexels We’re starting to think about what emergence from this pandemic could look like. This is difficult enough in the near term–but what if we instead place ourselves at the imagined vantage point of five or ten years after COVID?...
by justine | Feb 3, 2021 | Faculty Development
By Travis Heath, Visiting Clinical Associate Professor, GSPP As a pandemic continues to bear down in ways that would have been largely unimaginable to most in the United States one year ago and racist acts of violence leave minoritized communities on edge, many people...
by justine | Feb 3, 2021 | Faculty Development
Faculty and staff burnout in higher education was an issue before COVID. Since the start of the pandemic, this issue has only intensified, and existing inequities amplified. Here are some of the articles discussing burnout during COVID that we find helpful in naming...