Your Voice Matters: COACHE Survey and Teaching Initiatives

By: Leslie Cramblet Alvarez, Director of the Office of Teaching and Learning; and Richard Colby, Director of the University Writing Program and Teaching Professor of Writing You may have heard that the COACHE faculty satisfaction survey is launching again at DU. We...

Faculty Data Governance

Faculty Data Governance The Data Governance model is borrowed from the healthcare industry to help with transparency and constituent agency. The idea here is that any survey that is done internally or externally that gathers data that affects constituents should allow...

Welcome Back & Invitations for Your Participation

Dear Colleagues, Welcome back and a very Happy New Year to you!  I’m writing to share with you three important opportunities this winter: 1) the fast-approaching Ideas to Impact RFP response date; 2) the February Provost Conference; and 3) our upcoming COACHE survey...
R1 Our Way: Looking forward to COACHE 2023!

R1 Our Way: Looking forward to COACHE 2023!

As part of R1 Our Way, we are preparing to launch the Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education (COACHE) Faculty Job Satisfaction Survey in February 2023. The survey offers unique insights into the faculty experience—capturing faculty...