National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD) and the 14-Day Writing Challenge

Oct 6, 2020

As you all know, DU is an institutional member of the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD). NCFDD is a resource for graduate students, students working on dissertation writing, postdocs, and faculty. If you have not joined this free-resource yet, please consider doing so here.

What is the 14-Day Writing Challenge?
As part of the membership, NCFDD has a 14-day writing challenge you can sign up for upon logging into your account. The challenge is simple: write for at least 30 minutes every day (Monday through Friday) for two weeks.

At the end of that time, you can evaluate for yourself:

  • Did daily writing increase or decrease your productivity?
  • Did participation in a community increase/decrease your enjoyment of the writing process?

In the meantime, you’re welcome to join the monthly writing challenges within their Discussion Forums.

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