by justine | Nov 3, 2020 | Faculty Development
The PROF fund is a collaborative enterprise between the Faculty Senate, the faculty, and the Senior Vice Provost for Research and Graduate Education. This fund supports scholarly/creative activity by the faculty in a manner that strategically enhances the reputation...
by justine | Nov 3, 2020 | Faculty Development
Faculty in the Writing Accountability Group range from a variety of disciplines and stages in their academic careers. Across these differences, participants have discovered new ways of balancing their research agendas with other demands, while building supportive...
by justine | Nov 3, 2020 | Faculty Lifecycles
As we enter faculty recruiting in the midst of a pandemic, we share the following Chronicle of Higher Education article The Job Season Without In-Person Interviews that addresses how virtual searches can lead to better, more equitable searches. To support your hiring...
by justine | Nov 3, 2020 | Faculty Relations
The University of Denver is joining the Aspire IChange Network, a national effort to improve diversity and inclusion in STEM. DU has been selected as one of 19 universities to join a three-year institutional change effort to develop inclusive faculty recruitment,...
by justine | Nov 3, 2020 | Faculty Lifecycles, Faculty Relations, Teaching & Learning
TPT White Paper to Be Released Friday, November 6 This white paper will be released this Friday to all faculty and highlights the unique experiences and challenges facing Teaching and Professional Faculty, at the University of Denver (DU). DU has committed to Teaching...