by justine | Jan 11, 2021 | Faculty Development
By Jill Weddle, Software Adoption Team Lead in IT As IT@DU continues with the process of choosing a replacement for the PioneerWeb portal, several potential vendors have been selected to give demos during the first week of February. Faculty, staff and students are...
by justine | Jan 11, 2021 | Faculty Relations
An overview from Derigan Silver, Deputy COVID-19 Coordinator Faculty should teach in their assigned modality from the first day of the term; Faculty will not have to take their class fully online after/for a positive test in their class unless told to do so by the...
by justine | Jan 11, 2021 | Faculty Development, Teaching & Learning
The Heart of Higher Education (HOHE) is an opportunity to gather as a DU community to share the challenges and opportunities of transcending the institutional, professional, and personal choices that tend to separate core identity/integrity from day to day actions....
by justine | Jan 11, 2021 | Faculty Relations
The new Faculty Lounge will open on Tuesday, January 19th on the second floor in the northeast corner of the Community Commons building, overlooking the Driscoll Green — just off the new dining area. There is a fireplace in the room as well as a microwave. Food...
by justine | Jan 11, 2021 | Teaching & Learning
Cofacilitated by RSECS Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies and Teaching Associate Professor Breigh Roszelle and Executive Director for Internationalization Casey Dinger, this collaborative Faculty Learning Community is structured around stand-alone readings and...