by Elise Rosado | Jan 17, 2023 | COACHE
Dear Colleagues, Welcome back and a very Happy New Year to you! I’m writing to share with you three important opportunities this winter: 1) the fast-approaching Ideas to Impact RFP response date; 2) the February Provost Conference; and 3) our upcoming COACHE survey...
by Elise Rosado | Nov 1, 2022 | VPFA
By: Leslie Cramblet Alvarez, Director of the Office of Teaching and Learning Last October, Provost Clark and the Faculty Senate kicked off Next Steps in Advancing Equity in Faculty Workload and Rewards. One of the intersecting initiatives in this project centers on...
by Elise Rosado | Nov 1, 2022 | Faculty Development, Faculty Relations
Tools for Success is a faculty learning community designed for teaching and professional faculty (TPF) in the assistant rank at DU. The FLC will explore areas essential to the success of TPF, including community building, effective instruction, DU culture, promotion,...
by Elise Rosado | Oct 24, 2022 | Faculty Development
It’s not too late to start a regular writing practice this quarter! Are you currently working on a writing project (or several)? Would writing in community with other faculty help motivate you to make progress on your writing goals? The Vice Provost of Faculty Affairs...