by Alec | Dec 6, 2022 | VPFA
Dear Colleagues, As Provost Clark shared in October, I have decided to step down as Vice Provost of Faculty Affairs (VPFA) at the end of winter quarter. With deep gratitude and excitement for the future of the Office, I offer thoughts and insights on what we have...
by Alec | Dec 6, 2022 | Teaching & Learning
The Adjunct Teaching Excellence Program is delighted to congratulate Michael Furry—the first faculty member to complete ATEP! If you are interested in joining the ATEP, please follow this link to complete a qualtrics survey and a code you can use to enroll in the...
by Alec | Dec 5, 2022 | VPFA
On November 4 and 7, Provost Clark hosted faculty tenure and promotion celebrations for associate and full professors. Both evenings were filled with connection, conversation, food, and fun!
by Alec | Dec 5, 2022 | Teaching & Learning
During these increasingly polarized times, we invite you to help undergraduate students think about and practice “dialogue across difference” in its many forms. Please join us in piloting a new interdisciplinary “Dialogue Across Difference” (DIAD, pronounced “dyad”)...
by Alec | Dec 4, 2022 | Teaching & Learning
By: Ellen Hogan, Accessibility Technologist for Learning and Instruction, Office of Teaching & Learning UDL Your Course is back for another run! The UDL Your Course workshop series was designed to support faculty members in exploring and understanding the...