Building on the Provost Conference: New Accessibility Resources
By: Jenn Bellamy, Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs
Based on faculty feedback, and building on the Provost Conference, the Accessibility Council Steering Committee has developed new accessibility resources including guidance on working with Student Disability Services and student accommodations as well as helpful basic level tips on making your materials more accessible. Find these new resources as well as other useful tips and tools from the conference by clicking on the button.
And, join us for a workshop and a luncheon led by the author of Academic Ableism, Jay Dolmage Friday, January 31, noon-2:00; AAC 290. Jay Dolmage will give an interactive presentation about the history of disability in education, focusing specifically on the legal and institutional ramifications for disability in the university over the last 20 years. After learning about some of the current research on disability, faculty will then explore through group discussion solutions to the institutional challenges those with disability still face.
Register for the luncheon today! |