Complex times require expert teaching.
We’re* pleased to announce a $2.2 million initiative to enhance teaching in 2020-21, supporting faculty in DU’s transformed environment.
About $1 million will strengthen faculty access to expert consultants and professional development activities; provide additional technology assistance in classrooms and in producing teaching materials; and fund new resources. The remainder, some $1.2 million, has been awarded as block grants to individual colleges. Deans will distribute them to meet teaching needs they identify, with some portion likely provided as faculty grants. In spring 2020, DU faculty made heroic adaptations for emergency remote teaching. This new initiative recognizes and invests in faculty efforts to further their teaching expertise.
See details on all the initiatives.
The elements of this plan grow out of the recommendations from the Instructor and Teaching Support group of the Fall Logistics Task Force. They researched widely, consulted chairs and directors, and considered multiple options. Members of the group were Leslie Cramblet Alvarez (Office of Teaching and Learning), Leslie Hasche (Social Work), Theresa Ligouri Hernandez (Information Technology), Doug Hesse (Writing and English; Team Lead), Katie Schroeder (Institutional Research), and Kate Tennis (Korbel School). Detailed information is available about how this initiative was developed.
We hope these resources support your vital work educating our students.
*Mary Clark, Provost & Executive Vice Chancellor; Doug Hesse, Professor and Executive Director of Writing; Leslie Cramblet Alvarez, Director, Office of Teaching and Learning; Kate Willink, Vice Provost of Faculty Affairs