Summer With the OTL

Summer With the OTL

By: Leslie Cramblet Alvarez, Assistant Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs and the Director of the Office of Teaching and Learning As the academic year wraps up, we want to thank you for all the ways you supported our students. If your summer plans include taking...
Read About Global Accessibility Awareness Day

Read About Global Accessibility Awareness Day

By: Alex Martinez, Web Developer and Joshua Kaufman, ADA Coordinator In May, DU held its 3rd annual Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD). The GAAD planning committee wants to thank the 130+ attendees, whether in-person or remote, who participated and committed to...
Congratulations to the LEP Awards Recipients!

Congratulations to the LEP Awards Recipients!

By: Terri Johnson, Senior Faculty Member, Office of Teaching and Learning   The OTL would like to congratulate Neurodiversity Institute alumnaes Paula Adamo (CAHSS) and Brian Majestic (Chemistry & Biochemistry), along with Professor Adam Rovner for receiving the...