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The Faculty Data Governance Committees have been hard at work. The Communication Committee sent a letter to ...
January 10 - Planning for Success
8:30-3 in the Chambers Center Garden Room
The Office of Teaching and ...

Faculty Workload & Well-Being
As we know, faculty (and academic leader!) burnout is real. Managing faculty ...

Sharing Chairs & Directors Meeting Topics:
Supporting communication and feedback loops with all faculty can ...
We are excited to let you know about a new process improvement related to faculty hiring.
As you know, the ...

COACHE Faculty Retention and Exit survey is underway, our first year in a three-year study. This brief, ...
In December, we had our first Associate Dean Huddle with associate deans who work most closely with faculty (or ...

In October, about twenty faculty attended a design session to create a prototype of a faculty lounge for the new ...

We had a discussion at the recent Associate Deans’ huddle about adding a cover sheet to the Tenure and ...

We are excited to have launched our new faculty data governance model, which we are piloting with the COACHE ...

As of 12/21/19, each group has had a launch meeting, reviewing their goals and deliverables. In January 2020, we will launch a symposium website to communicate the progress of each group and support faculty feedback and engagement. Together, these initiatives will significantly approve university-wide training and support for chairs, directors, and academic leaders and support unit-level mentoring initiatives.

Welcoming new faculty to DU is a moment of celebration. After expending time, energy, and funds to attract and ...
We would love to hear from you, your office, and/or faculty within your departments to learn more about your unit, and to hear hopes and concerns of faculty.