by Alec | Dec 5, 2021 | Faculty Development, Faculty Lifecycles, Faculty Relations
Are you excited about DU’s work to understand and advance workload equity? Did you get a thrill when KerryAnn O’Meara came to DU and spoke about the “Faculty Workload and Rewards Project” as an evidence-based roadmap to better understand equity issues and inform...
by Alec | Nov 1, 2021 | Faculty Lifecycles, Faculty Relations
Alison Staudinger, Director of Faculty Development, VPFA I am emerging from a post-tenure depression. After spending the first five years of my life as a faculty member focused on contributing to my field, my campus, and my students, and finally earning promotion to...
by Alec | Oct 30, 2021 | Faculty Development, Teaching & Learning
As announced by Provost Clark on October 25th, the Office of the Provost through the VFPA & OTL and in partnership with the Workload Equity Committee and the Teaching Excellence Task Force, will be launching two parallel but distinct efforts. Interested in...
by pogo | Sep 6, 2021 | Faculty Relations
As we return to campus, we share an article from Inside Higher Ed by Dr. Brandy Simula and VPFA Kate Willink on Navigating the Continuing Psychological Pandemic. The article highlights the importance of recognizing COVID’s long-term impact on faculty wellbeing,...
by pogo | Jul 17, 2021 | Faculty Lifecycles, Faculty Relations
Dean Saitta, Director, Urban Studies; Professor, Anthropology, Committee Member The Faculty Workload Equity Committee update that was provided in the March 4th VPFA Newsletter identified our goal of addressing immediate, campus-wide concerns relating to the...