Planning Your Quarter

Planning Your Quarter

Do you want to start the fall quarter with your personal and professional lives coordinated in the best way possible? If the answer is “yes,” this session is for you. We offer this planning webinar so that you can take time out of your schedule to identify your...
Online Sabbatical Update

Online Sabbatical Update

Starting this year, the process of applying for a sabbatical leave has been moved online. Please communicate information about the changes to faculty who are eligible for a sabbatical leave. Also please note the following: This year, faculty members will file a...

Introducing the Faculty and Staff Support Network

Message from Mary Clark (Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor) and Jerron Lowe (Interim Vice Chancellor for Human Resources): We are writing to announce a new resource—the Faculty and Staff Support Network (FSSN)—that will ensure that co-workers and colleagues have a...

FSSN – Faculty & Staff Support Network

Since last September, a group of us have been meeting to create a process and set of resources for faculty, staff, and academic leaders to express concern about faculty and staff wellbeing and connect employees to necessary support. The members of our cross-functional...