by justine | May 27, 2021 | Faculty Development, Teaching & Learning
By Jared Del Rosso, PhD., Associate Professor, Department of Sociology & Criminology; Leslie Cramblet Alvarez, PhD., Director of the Office of Teaching and Learning The Teaching Excellence Task Force had a busy and exciting end to the academic year, learning with...
by justine | Feb 3, 2021 | Faculty Lifecycles, Teaching & Learning
An open faculty meeting took place from 12-1:30 on Friday, January 29 and was attended by about 50 faculty members and members of the COVID-19 Accommodations Committee. Senate President Sarah Pessin introduced the meeting, Provost Mary Clark made opening remarks, and...
by justine | Jan 18, 2021 | Faculty Development, Teaching & Learning
Dear colleagues, The last several days, weeks and months have again challenged us to confront the United States’ history of racism and authoritarianism—and most recently the violent events and images of white supremacy, anti-Semitism, and anti-democratic insurrection...
by justine | Jan 11, 2021 | Teaching & Learning
Cofacilitated by RSECS Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies and Teaching Associate Professor Breigh Roszelle and Executive Director for Internationalization Casey Dinger, this collaborative Faculty Learning Community is structured around stand-alone readings and...
by justine | Jan 11, 2021 | Faculty Development, Teaching & Learning
Today we share the results of a year-long audit and assessment of the current status of policies, procedures, and norms shaping the experiences of DU Teaching and Professional Faculty (TPF) in a White Paper authored by Resident Scholar for Teaching and Professional...