by justine | Sep 1, 2020 | Faculty Lifecycles
The processes of promotion, reappointment, and tenure are consistent drivers of faculty stress, consternation, and insecurity. While faculty accomplishments accrue over years and often emerge through an organic process of growth and scholarly interest, the...
by justine | Sep 1, 2020 | Faculty Development, Faculty Lifecycles
The Senate, in partnership with the Vice Provost of Faculty Affairs, seeks to improve DU’s methods of course evaluation and teaching review for the purpose of annual reviews, promotion, and reappointment. See Full Motion Here
by justine | Aug 24, 2020 | Faculty Development, Teaching & Learning
The Faculty Senate continues to uphold strong Shared Governance principles in times of COVID-19 and to support faculty and students in changing environments. Regarding Shared Governance principles in times of COVID-19: In May 2020, Senate voted to allow special Senate...
by justine | Aug 24, 2020 | Faculty Lifecycles
The Faculty Senate and the Faculty approved an amendment to the APT providing the option of a one-year extension for promotion and contract renewals in response to delays in research, teaching, and service contributions due to the pandemic. Faculty members interested...
by pogo | Jun 13, 2020 | Faculty Development, Faculty Lifecycles
In partnership with the Faculty Senate, the VPFA plans to improve the University of Denver’s course evaluation and teaching review methods through a newly-approved Faculty Senate Teaching Evaluation Task Force motion. The task force will focus on and create structures...