by justine | Feb 3, 2021 | Faculty Lifecycles, Teaching & Learning
An open faculty meeting took place from 12-1:30 on Friday, January 29 and was attended by about 50 faculty members and members of the COVID-19 Accommodations Committee. Senate President Sarah Pessin introduced the meeting, Provost Mary Clark made opening remarks, and...
by justine | Jan 11, 2021 | Faculty Lifecycles
The Faculty Senate has formed a committee to explore and make recommendations about accommodations to take account of the effects of COVID-19, especially with regard to faculty advancement, tenure, promotion, reappointment, and annual evaluation. The committee has...
by justine | Dec 8, 2020 | Faculty Development
Chairs & Directors Consider applying to be the inaugural Faculty Fellow of Chair and Director Training and Development or nominating a colleague. Collaborating primarily with the VPFA and the Chair Advisory Board, the Faculty Fellow will engage in activities to...
by justine | Dec 6, 2020 | Faculty Development, Faculty Lifecycles
Faculty groups are meeting quarterly in the Morgridge College of Education to support faculty advancement, enhance research support, and engage in direct student support. The MCE Dean’s Office has a longstanding tradition of meeting with all new faculty members across...
by pogo | Sep 7, 2020 | Faculty Lifecycles
Promotion & Reappointment AllVPFAFaculty RelationsFaculty DevelopmentFaculty LifecyclesTeaching & LearningCOACHEachieving R1 our wayyourock! awardsUniversity of Denver’s Global Accessibility Awareness Day Event Promotes Inclusivity and EmpathyBy...