The Office for Faculty Affairs welcomes and orients new faculty to DU; coordinates faculty development programs across campus; serves as a central resource for information about faculty and faculty policies; supports deans and department leaders with searches, hiring, retention, and advancement; assists faculty with grievances; offers programs to orient new academic leaders; supports programs to improve teaching; and works with departments, colleges, and other offices to enhance faculty experiences. We work with academic leaders across campus to enhance DU’s efforts to support faculty.

Featured Initiatives
Faculty affairs News and Updates
Check out the Provost’s Corner in the Bridge!
Beginning this year, the Provost’s Corner will have a regular feature in The Bridge, where you will learn more about the work of the provost’s office and the events planned for...
Congratulations Summer You Rock! Award Winners
The You Rock! Program encourages faculty and staff to recognize each other for small and large accomplishments. Nominations can be submitted at any time throughout the year and...
Celebrating 25 Years of Teaching & Learning | Share Your Memories!
By: Leslie Cramblet Alvarez, Assistant Vice Provost & Director of the Office of Teaching & Learning The Office of Teaching and Learning (OTL) is driven by the mission...
Apply for Department Action Teams Starting Sept. 12th!
By: Leslie Cramblet Alvarez, Assistant Vice Provost & Director of the Office of Teaching & Learning The Office of Teaching & Learning, in collaboration with the...
Celebrating DATs and DEAPs: Summer Retreat
Earlier this summer, two R1 Our Way faculty and Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) retreats were held off site to take advantage of cost-sharing, protected time, and...
ATEP Welcome Back and Join Teaching Excellence Program
By: Terese Rainwater, R1 Our Way Project Manger The Office of Teaching and Learning (OTL) and the VPFA are excited to offer The Adjunct Teaching Excellence Program (ATEP) for a...