The Office for Faculty Affairs welcomes and orients new faculty to DU; coordinates faculty development programs across campus; serves as a central resource for information about faculty and faculty policies; supports deans and department leaders with searches, hiring, retention, and advancement; assists faculty with grievances; offers programs to orient new academic leaders; supports programs to improve teaching; and works with departments, colleges, and other offices to enhance faculty experiences. We work with academic leaders across campus to enhance DU’s efforts to support faculty.

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Faculty affairs News and Updates
Save the Date: Accessibility Workshops Leading Up to Fall ’24 Provost Conference
By: Terese Rainwater, Project Manager Please save the date for the Fall Quarter '24 Provost Conference on Universal Design for Learning (UDL). UDL provides a chance to better...
Please Save the Date for the Next Teach-In Session
By: Loisa Fenichell, Communications Graduate Assistant Please join us for the final event in a teach-in style series co-hosted by the College of Arts, Humanities & Social...
DATs@DU Cohort 3 Continue Departmental Efforts for Teaching Evaluation Reform
By: Leslie Cramblet Alvarez, Assistant Vice Provost & Director of the Office of Teaching and Learning Two Departmental Action Teams (DATs) are working on examining and...
Read About the DEAP Cohort 3 Kick-Off
By: Terese Rainwater, R1 Our Way Project Manger On Tuesday, March 5th, 2024, the DEAP Cohort 3, joined by a team from the Graduate School of Social Work, hosted their Kick-Off....
Register for the 4D Symposium
By: Erin Willer, Director of Faculty Innovation You're invited to the third annual 4D Symposium, a university-wide event designed to bring together faculty, staff, and students...
Updates on COACHE Survey Engagement and Findings
By: Jenn Bellamy, Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs Thank you to everyone who participated in our faculty engagements over the Winter Quarter as we shared and discussed findings...