AI Try-A-Thon Was a Success

AI Try-A-Thon Was a Success

By: Terese Rainwater, Project Manager  On Friday, April 5th, 2024, DU held its first-ever AI Try-A-Thon at the Burwell Center for Career Achievement. With 10 vendors and 20 AI experiences, over 150 participants had a diverse array of AI tools and demonstrations for...
Save the Date: Sabbatical Proposal and Writing Event

Save the Date: Sabbatical Proposal and Writing Event

By: Jenn Bellamy, Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs  Please plan to join Faculty Senate and the Office of Faculty Affairs for a two-part workshop on sabbatical proposals and reports May 31st. Join us from 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. for an overview and discussion of the...
Register for the 4D Symposium

Register for the 4D Symposium

By: Erin Willer, Director of Faculty Innovation  You’re invited to the third annual 4D Symposium, a university-wide event designed to bring together faculty, staff, and students to explore and advance the 4D Experience at DU. With almost 40 sessions to choose...