by pogo | Sep 4, 2021 | Faculty Relations, Teaching & Learning
n Alert Level Green, fully vaccinated University personnel, students, and visitors must wear a face covering indoors for all classes and in-person meetings/events with five or more people, except while actively speaking/performing at 6 feet or more distance from...
by pogo | Sep 1, 2021 | Faculty Development, Teaching & Learning
Allison O’Grady, Assistant Director of Teaching and Learning, University College and Bobbie Kite, Associate Dean, University College University College has shifted to a data-informed decision model to better support our student and adjunct faculty experiences. By...
by pogo | Jul 22, 2021 | Faculty Development, Teaching & Learning
Ryan Evely Gildersleeve, Associate Dean and Professor It’s hard to believe that it was six years ago when the Morgridge College of Education (MCE) first adopted a stand-alone appointments and promotion policy for our teaching and professional (T&P) series faculty...
by pogo | Jul 16, 2021 | Faculty Development, Teaching & Learning
Jared Del Rosso, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology & Criminology, Task Force Member Leslie Cramblet Alvarez, Director of the Office of Teaching and Learning, Task Force Member The Teaching Excellence Task Force is on hiatus for the summer and will...
by justine | May 27, 2021 | Teaching & Learning
By Valentina Iturbe-LaGrave, Ph.D., Director of Inclusive Teaching Practices The University of Denver’s Faculty Institute for Inclusive Teaching, known as FIIT, launched in 2020 through the Canvas LMS; the program has been redesigned and integrated into the...
by justine | May 27, 2021 | Faculty Development, Teaching & Learning
By Jared Del Rosso, PhD., Associate Professor, Department of Sociology & Criminology; Leslie Cramblet Alvarez, PhD., Director of the Office of Teaching and Learning The Teaching Excellence Task Force had a busy and exciting end to the academic year, learning with...