by justine | Mar 8, 2021 | Faculty Lifecycles
On Friday, February 5th, over fifty faculty and staff attended this panel tracing the history of advocacy for Teaching and Professional Faculty at DU. This advocacy led to the creation of the teaching and professional line series in 2015. Laura Sponsler, Resident...
by justine | Feb 28, 2021 | Faculty Lifecycles
Image: Visualization of Professor Kim Bender’s co-authored publications, used with permission. Created by Jenelys Cox, University Libraries By Jack Maness, Associate Dean, University Libraries One of the more important but admittedly tedious tasks for faculty is...
by justine | Feb 28, 2021 | Faculty Development, Faculty Lifecycles, Faculty Relations
Photo by Milada Vigerova from Pexels We’re starting to think about what emergence from this pandemic could look like. This is difficult enough in the near term–but what if we instead place ourselves at the imagined vantage point of five or ten years after COVID?...
by justine | Feb 3, 2021 | Faculty Lifecycles, Teaching & Learning
An open faculty meeting took place from 12-1:30 on Friday, January 29 and was attended by about 50 faculty members and members of the COVID-19 Accommodations Committee. Senate President Sarah Pessin introduced the meeting, Provost Mary Clark made opening remarks, and...
by justine | Feb 3, 2021 | Faculty Lifecycles
The MOARS Committee hosted an “Approaching Retirement” panel of emeriti faculty members, moderated by Chancellor Emerita Rebecca Chopp. Panel Members William Cross, Margaret Whitt, Arthur Jones, and Jeffrey Jenson shared their experiences in navigating the complex...
by justine | Feb 3, 2021 | Faculty Lifecycles
In our last newsletter, we reviewed some of the effects that COVID-19 is having on teaching, research, and service, for all faculty, including caregivers. As conversations continue about what this should mean for APT, we offer a set of curated resources for individual...