Faculty Support Resources

Faculty Support Resources

By: Laura E. Sponsler, Director of Faculty Development  Given all the challenges facing faculty and higher education, we want remind you of resources provided through our membership with NCFDD to support your wellbeing. Every DU faculty member has free access to a...
New Faculty Academy Updates and SPARK

New Faculty Academy Updates and SPARK

By: Laura E. Sponsler, Director of Faculty Development In February, participants in the New Faculty Academy were introduced to the ideals of shared governance, academic freedom, and freedom of expression at sessions hosted by leaders of Faculty Senate, AAUP, and...
Faculty Coffee Schedule Updates

Faculty Coffee Schedule Updates

By: Jennifer Bellamy, Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs  We’re moving this month’s Faculty Affairs Coffee Hour to this Friday March 7th from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. to accommodate the Provost’s Conference. Also, please note this month is the beginning of OTL’s...