Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash
Writing Accountability Groups (WAGs) have grown out of a collaborative project between the Office of Teaching and Learning, the Writing Program, and the Office of Vice Provost of Faculty Affairs.
The goal of the program is to create sustainable writing practices and accountability structures around projects faculty would like to develop over the course of the quarter. Drawing on NCFDD resources, each group meets weekly with a facilitator, beginning the first week of April; group members share their challenges, successes, and goals, while also having 30 minutes to write at the end. You can view the fall quarter syllabus here. The deadline to sign up for WAG is Monday, March 15 and you can do so here. This Spring Quarter, we are also experimenting with an optional weekly write-(not)-in-place session, and in the summer we plan to offer additional writing accountability opportunities such as retreats or write-ins with peers.